Welcome to the official site for residents of the Triangle area in Southfields, SW18

AELTC Golf Course Visit - 14th/15th July 2022

In May the AELTC submitted minor updates to their planning application for the “Wimbledon Park Project”. To continue their engagement with residents and the local community, they have issued an invitation to members of local Resident Associations for a walk around the golf course after the de-rig from The Championships has finished and before golf starts again on Saturday 16 July to get a feel for the proposals in situ.

Tours are planned to take 75 minutes followed by a short Q&A are available on Thursday 14 July and Friday 15 July - all the details are attached. It is strictly on a first come first served basis and it might very well be that they cannot accommodate everyone should there be a huge amount of interest in this, and if walks are oversubscribed they will operate a waiting list.

If you are interested in booking a slot download and complete the form AELTC Golf Club tours noting the cutoff date/time and email it to them.

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